The plugin system allows any executable program to run inside the chassis and can control the robot through the SDK. Each plugin can contain 3 components: a Web component that interacts with users through the web interface, a daemon component that auto-starts and runs continuously in the background, and a cmd component that is called once when used.
Directory Structure
plugin Plugin Directory
├─plugin.json Plugin configuration information
├─web Web component directory
│ ├─index.html Web component entry file
│ └─... Can store various frontend files (js, css, images, fonts, etc.)
├─bin Executable program directory
│ ├─enable.exe Runs once when enabling plugin (commonly used for installing project dependencies)
│ ├─disable.exe Runs once when disabling plugin (commonly used for cleaning project data)
│ ├─daemon.exe Daemon component executable
│ ├─cmd.exe CMD component executable
│ └─... Can store various project files (such as Python source code)
"name": "claw",
"author": "",
"description": "Control gripper",
"homepage": ""
- name: Plugin name, must match the plugin directory name
- author: Creator
- description: Plugin overview
- homepage: Project website, recommended to point to plugin usage instructions
- auto_restart: Whether to automatically restart the daemon program after abnormal exit
Can use native HTML, or HTML generated by React, Vue, etc.
Can be compiled into a binary executable file, or a shell script.
Open Source Plugins
Connects to the chassis camera and saves the image to the file system Source:
Calibrates the camera and calculates the intrinsic and relative parameters Source:
Uses calibration results from camera_calibrater and images from camera to calculate AprilTag pose relative to the base Source: