Simple Socket Service


This feature will be deprecated

LEBAI Robots provides two TCP/Socket services for simple task execution and status push. These services provide basic functionality, and developers need to combine with other services to implement more complex control.

Task Control

Port number: 5171. Sending data streams to this service can control task execution.

Run Task

Parameter NameParameter TypeDescription
scene_idintScene ID, can be viewed in the scene list
execute_countintNumber of task executions. 0: indicates loop execution. If not 0, e.g., 3 means execute 3 times

Request Example


Stop Task

Parameter NameParameter TypeDescription
typeint0: Stop loop task after current cycle completes (invalid in version 2.2) 1: Stop immediately

Request Example


Pause Task


Resume Task


Robot Status Notification Interface

Port number: 5170. This service pushes task and robot running status once per second.

Parameter NameParameter TypeDescription
task_statusint0: Idle 1: Running
robot_modeintRobot Status

Push Examples

0|5No task currently running, robot is idle
1|6Task is currently running, robot is paused