Position and Posture

Forward Kinematics

cpose = kinematics_forward(joints)

Convert joint angles to Cartesian position and posture through the robot's forward kinematics.

  • Parameters
    • joints: Joint angles: {j1=0, j2=1.57, j3=-1.57, j4=0, j5=3.14, j6=3.14}
  • Returns {x, y, z, Rz, Ry, Rx, ok=true}
    • For example: {-0.36435443592898153, 0.25548551781114875, 0.1477188562117689, 0.27649950521632694, 0.913569441486944, -2.9826903521006582, ok=true}
    • ok: Whether the calculation was successful. true: success, false: failure
Example Program
p = kinematics_forward({j1=0, j2=1.57, j3=-1.57, j4=0, j5=3.14, j6=3.14})
for k,v in ipairs(p) do

Inverse Kinematics

jpose = kinematics_inverse(vector, joints)

Convert Cartesian position and posture to joint angles through the robot's inverse kinematics. The calculation result is related to the current TCP settings and current joint position.

  • Parameters
    • vector: Position and posture in tool space.
    • joints: Reference position in joint space. Optional, default is current feedback joint position. When multiple solutions exist for inverse kinematics, it will choose the solution closest to joints.
  • Returns {j1=a, j2=b, j3=c, j4=d, j5=e, j6=f, ok=true}
    • Corresponding to joint space, e.g., {j1=0, j2=1.57, j3=-1.57, j4=0, j5=3.14, j6=3.14, ok=true}
    • ok: Whether the calculation was successful. true: success, false: failure
Example Program
p = kinematics_inverse({1.12,2.12,3.12,4.12,.125,6.12})
for k,v in ipairs(p) do

Pose Feature Coordinate System Transformation

c = pose_times(a, b)

The algorithm converts a and b to 4×4 homogeneous matrices AA and BB respectively, then calculates the matrix multiplication C=ABC=AB, and finally converts CC back to pose representation.

The physical meaning is equivalent to, with a as the user coordinate system {A}\{A\}, b is the pose description relative to coordinate system {A}\{A\}. Finally, it returns the pose description relative to the robot's world coordinate system, which can be used for move series instructions.

  • Parameters
    • a: Pose AA.
    • b: Pose BB.
  • Returns
    • c: Pose C=ABC = AB.
Example Program
local res = pose_times({-0.159,-0.342,-0.0391,-2.97,-0.017,-3.14}, {-0.044,-0.0036,-0.0004,3.89,0,0})
movej(res, 1, 1, 0, 1)

Inverse of Pose

c = pose_inverse(a)

Used to calculate the pose description of the inverse of the homogeneous matrix AA corresponding to pose a. Can be used to solve pose equations.

The inverse of a homogeneous matrix equals its transpose A1=ATA^{-1}=A^T.

  • Parameters
    • a: Pose AA.
  • Returns
    • c: Inverse of AA, A1A^{-1}.
Example Program
  • Given the user coordinate system pose a (can be a certain teaching point), and then teach another point b, this method can be used to calculate the description of b relative to a.
  • After calculating this result, when the user coordinate system changes but the relative position of the teaching points remains unchanged, there's no need to reteach.
  • AX=BX=A1BAX=B \to X=A^{-1}B
function axb(a, b)
  return pose_times(pose_inverse(a), b)

pre_cup_drop = {-0.159,-0.342,-0.0391,-2.97,-0.017,-3.14}
cup_drop = {-0.044,-0.0036,-0.0004,2.89,0,0}
local relative_cup_drop = axb(pre_cup_drop, cup_drop)
print(pose_times(pre_cup_drop, relative_cup_drop))

Addition of Pose 3.1.13

pose = pose_add(base, delta, frame)

The pose after moving delta from the base position in the frame direction.

  • Parameters
    • base: Starting pose.
    • delta: Pose offset.
    • frame: Direction of pose offset, only the posture part is valid. Can be empty, default is base direction.
  • Returns
    • pose: Pose after movement.
Example Program
base = {-0.4,0,0.1,-1.57,0,1.57}
frame = {0,0,0,0,-0.78,0} -- Rotate 45° around y-axis, making z-axis slant upwards
delta = {0,0,0.1,0,0,0} -- Move 0.1m along z-axis direction
pose = pose_add(base, delta, frame)
movej(base, 0.4, 0.1)
movel(pose, 0.4, 0.1)