Position and Posture

Measure Manipulation 3.1.36

manipulation = measure_manipulation(joints)

Manipulation is nearly zero near the Singular Positions and Workspace Boundaries

Usually, under strict conditions, less than 0.01 is considered poor flexibility, while under relaxed conditions, less than 0.001 is considered poor flexibility.

  • Parameters
    • joints: Joint angles: {j1=0, j2=1.57, j3=-1.57, j4=0, j5=3.14, j6=3.14}
  • Returns
    • manipulation manipulation
Example Program
cpose = {-0.3, -0.3, 0.3, 0, 0, 0}
jpose = kinematics_inverse(cpose)
if not jpose["ok"]
  error("kinematics_inverse failed")
manipulation = measure_manipulation(jpose)
if manipulation < 0.01
  error("manipulation too low")
move_hybrid(jpose, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0)

Forward Kinematics

cpose = kinematics_forward(joints)

Convert joint angles to Cartesian position and posture through the robot's forward kinematics.

  • Parameters
    • joints: Joint angles: {j1=0, j2=1.57, j3=-1.57, j4=0, j5=3.14, j6=3.14}
  • Returns {x, y, z, Rz, Ry, Rx, ok=true}
    • For example: {-0.36435443592898153, 0.25548551781114875, 0.1477188562117689, 0.27649950521632694, 0.913569441486944, -2.9826903521006582, ok=true}
    • ok: Whether the calculation was successful. true: success, false: failure
Example Program
p = kinematics_forward({j1=0, j2=1.57, j3=-1.57, j4=0, j5=3.14, j6=3.14})
for k,v in ipairs(p) do

Inverse Kinematics

jpose = kinematics_inverse(vector, joints)

Convert Cartesian position and posture to joint angles through the robot's inverse kinematics. The calculation result is related to the current TCP settings and current joint position.

  • Parameters
    • vector: Position and posture in tool space.
    • joints: Reference position in joint space. Optional, default is current feedback joint position. When multiple solutions exist for inverse kinematics, it will choose the solution closest to joints.
  • Returns {j1=a, j2=b, j3=c, j4=d, j5=e, j6=f, ok=true}
    • Corresponding to joint space, e.g., {j1=0, j2=1.57, j3=-1.57, j4=0, j5=3.14, j6=3.14, ok=true}
    • ok: Whether the calculation was successful. true: success, false: failure
Example Program
p = kinematics_inverse({1.12,2.12,3.12,4.12,.125,6.12})
for k,v in ipairs(p) do

Pose Feature Coordinate System Transformation

c = pose_times(a, b)

The algorithm converts a and b to 4×4 homogeneous matrices AA and BB respectively, then calculates the matrix multiplication C=ABC=AB, and finally converts CC back to pose representation.

The physical meaning is equivalent to, with a as the user coordinate system {A}\{A\}, b is the pose description relative to coordinate system {A}\{A\}. Finally, it returns the pose description relative to the robot's world coordinate system, which can be used for move series instructions.

  • Parameters
    • a: Pose AA.
    • b: Pose BB.
  • Returns
    • c: Pose C=ABC = AB.
Example Program
local res = pose_times({-0.159,-0.342,-0.0391,-2.97,-0.017,-3.14}, {-0.044,-0.0036,-0.0004,3.89,0,0})
movej(res, 1, 1, 0, 1)

Inverse of Pose

c = pose_inverse(a)

Used to calculate the pose description of the inverse of the homogeneous matrix AA corresponding to pose a. Can be used to solve pose equations.

The inverse of a homogeneous matrix equals its transpose A1=ATA^{-1}=A^T.

  • Parameters
    • a: Pose AA.
  • Returns
    • c: Inverse of AA, A1A^{-1}.
Example Program
  • Given the user coordinate system pose a (can be a certain teaching point), and then teach another point b, this method can be used to calculate the description of b relative to a.
  • After calculating this result, when the user coordinate system changes but the relative position of the teaching points remains unchanged, there's no need to reteach.
  • AX=BX=A1BAX=B \to X=A^{-1}B
function axb(a, b)
  return pose_times(pose_inverse(a), b)

pre_cup_drop = {-0.159,-0.342,-0.0391,-2.97,-0.017,-3.14}
cup_drop = {-0.044,-0.0036,-0.0004,2.89,0,0}
local relative_cup_drop = axb(pre_cup_drop, cup_drop)
print(pose_times(pre_cup_drop, relative_cup_drop))

Addition of Pose 3.1.13

pose = pose_add(base, delta, frame)

The pose after moving delta from the base position in the frame direction.

  • Parameters
    • base: Starting pose.
    • delta: Pose offset.
    • frame: Direction of pose offset, only the posture part is valid. Can be empty, default is base direction.
  • Returns
    • pose: Pose after movement.
Example Program
base = {-0.4,0,0.1,-1.57,0,1.57}
frame = {0,0,0,0,-0.78,0} -- Rotate 45° around y-axis, making z-axis slant upwards
delta = {0,0,0.1,0,0,0} -- Move 0.1m along z-axis direction
pose = pose_add(base, delta, frame)
movej(base, 0.4, 0.1)
movel(pose, 0.4, 0.1)