Introduction to Lua Language

Identifiers and Variables

Lua supports identifiers starting with English letters and underscores as variable or function names.

The Lua interpreter for LEBAI robots has extended this rule to support UTF-8 characters as identifiers.

In Lua, global variables can be used without declaration, with a default value of nil, and there's no limit on their quantity. To use local variables, add local before the declaration statement. You can declare up to 200 local variables. Both local and global variables will be garbage collected after the program finishes running.

The following statements are all legal in LEBAI robots:

local a = 0
b = a
_test = {}
变量 = b


Single-line comments start with --:

-- I am a comment

Multi-line comments start with -- followed by two square brackets [[ ]]:

    Multi-line comment
    Second line

To uncomment a multi-line comment, just add a - before --[[:

    a = 0
    b = a + 1

Types and Values

Lua is a dynamically typed language. You can use the type() function to get the type. Lua has the following 8 basic types:

  1. Nil type(nil) --> nil
  2. Boolean type(true) --> boolean
  3. Number type(10.4 * 3) --> number
  4. String type("Hello World") --> string
  5. Userdata type(io.stdin) --> userdata
  6. Function type(print) --> function
  7. Table type({}) --> table
  8. Thread thread

Undeclared global variables are nil. Assigning nil to a variable deletes it.

In Lua, condition tests consider all values other than false and nil as true. It supports binary operators and (and) or (or), and unary operator not (not).

The following statement is commonly used for variable initialization:

count = (count or 0) + 1

This is equivalent to:

if not count then
    count = 0
count = count + 1


In Lua 5.2, the number type doesn't distinguish between integers and floating-point numbers; all are represented in double-precision floating-point format.

Lua 5.3 started supporting integer types.

Numeric Constants

Decimal representation and scientific notation:

assert(1 == 1.0)
assert(-3 == -3.0)
assert(0.2e3 == 200)
assert(4.57e-3 == 0.00457)

Hexadecimal representation and formatting:

assert(0xff == 255)
assert(0x1A3 == 419)
assert(0x0.2 == 0.125)
assert(0x1p-1 == 0.5)
assert(0xa.bp2 == 42.75)
string.format("%a", 419) -- 0x1.a3p+8
string.format("%a", 0.1) -- 0x1.999999999999ap-4

Operations and Math Library

Arithmetic operations:

assert(13 + 15 == 28) -- Addition
assert(13.0 + 25 == 38.0) -- Addition
assert(-(3 * 6.0) == -18.0) -- Subtraction, multiplication, negative
assert(3 / 2 == 1.5) -- Division
assert(3 // 2 == 1) -- Integer division (Lua 5.3)
assert(3 % 2 == 1) -- Modulo
assert(2 ^ 3 == 8) -- Exponentiation

Relational operations:

assert(1 + 1 == 2) -- Equal
assert(1 + 1 ~= 3) -- Not equal
assert(1 < 3) -- Less than
assert(1 <= 3) -- Less than or equal
assert(3 > 1) -- Greater than
assert(3 >= 1) -- Greater than or equal

Random number generation:

math.randomseed(os.time()) -- Set random seed
print(math.random()) -- Generate random number in [0,1)
print(math.random(6)) -- Generate random number in [1,6]
print(math.random(10, 20)) -- Generate random number in [10, 20]

Rounding functions:

assert(math.floor(3.3) == 3) -- Round down
assert(math.ceil(3.3) == 4) -- Round up
a, b = math.modf(3.5) -- Round towards zero
assert(a == 3 and b == 0.5)

Angles and trigonometric functions:

deg = 30
rad = math.rad(deg) -- Degrees to radians
print(math.deg(rad)) -- Radians to degrees

sin = math.sin(rad) -- Sine
print(math.asin(sin)) -- Arcsine

cos = math.cos(rad) -- Cosine
print(math.acos(cos)) -- Arccosine

tan = math.tan(rad) -- Tangent
print(math.atan(tan)) -- Arctangent

Other math functions:

assert(math.abs(-1) == 1) -- Absolute value
assert(math.min(1, 2, 3) == 1) -- Minimum value
assert(math.max(1, 2, 3) == 3) -- Maximum value

assert(math.sqrt(4) == 4^0.5) -- Square root
print(math.exp(10)) -- e^10
print(math.log(10)) -- Natural logarithm of 10
print(math.log(10, 2)) -- Base-2 logarithm of 10

Mathematical constants:

print(math.pi) -- Pi
print(math.huge) -- Infinity

Error Handling

When an error occurs, if not caught and handled, the task will exit abnormally.

In Lua, to handle errors, you can use the pcall (protected call) function to wrap the code that needs to be executed.

The syntax format is as follows:

success, result1, result2, ... = pcall(function, arg1, arg2, ...)


function divide(a, b)
    if b == 0 then
        error("Cannot divide by zero")
    return a / b

success, result = pcall(divide, 10, 0)
if not success then
    print("Error occurred: ", result)
    print("Result: ", result)