What are the motion commands for robotic arms

MoveL && MoveC && MoveJ

This instruction is similar to common industrial robotic arms and collaborative robotic arms on the market.

Users set the starting and ending points of these movement commands, as well as some attribute parameters such as running speed, acceleration, and blending radius. The system automatically calculates the path points and required time based on internal constraints.

SpeedL && SpeedJ

This command does not specify the endpoint of the movement, but specifies the direction of movement, which will continue to move until a collision or limit occurs.

MovePT&& MovePVT&& MovePVAT

This instruction specifies the velocity and acceleration values of each joint position within a sequence interval, and then the robotic arm moves according to this sequence.

This instruction is usually used for users to plan a specific trajectory on their own. for example

The robotic arm is currently located at point A and wishes to move to point B. The intermediate movement path and interpolation method have already been generated offline by the user (often these movements are not simple MoveL or MoveJ), and the generated offline data can be programmed to control the robotic arm through this instruction.

Note that for a sequence, the velocity acceleration at the starting and ending points is usually 0.


Specify a target joint position, and the robotic arm will move towards that position.

Users can modify the target position, and the robotic arm will move towards the newly set target.

The motion of the robotic arm for this function is online motion.