Status Data

Get Robot Mode


Get Actual Joint Positions


This command is used to get the current actual joint positions of the robot, i.e., the actual feedback values (converted to absolute values) obtained from the joint encoders.

Due to certain time and space errors in robot control, the return value of this command will be inconsistent with Get Target Joint Positions, especially during acceleration or when operating with heavy loads.

  • Returns
    • Feedback positions of each joint. Unit: rad.
Return Example

Get Target Joint Positions


This command is used to get the joint positions planned by the current robot control algorithm.

Due to certain time and space errors in robot control, the return value of this command will be inconsistent with Get Actual Joint Positions.

  • Returns
    • Planned positions of each joint. Unit: rad.
Return Example

Get Actual Joint Speeds


This command is used to get the current actual joint angular velocities of the robot.

Due to certain time and space errors in robot control, the return value of this command will be inconsistent with Get Target Joint Speeds.

  • Returns
    • Current angular velocities of each joint. Unit: rad/s.

Get Target Joint Speeds


This command is used to get the target joint angular velocities planned by the current robot algorithm.

Due to certain time and space errors in robot control, the return value of this command will be inconsistent with Get Actual Joint Speeds.

  • Returns
    • Planned angular velocities of each joint. Unit: rad/s.

Get Actual Flange Pose 3.1.14


Get the actual pose of the current flange center point relative to the base coordinate system.

  • Returns
    • Pose and position information. Format: {x, y, z, Rz, Ry, Rx}.
Return Example

Get Actual TCP Pose


Get the actual pose of the current tool (TCP) relative to the base coordinate system.

  • Returns
    • Pose and position information. Format: {x, y, z, Rz, Ry, Rx}.
Return Example

Get Target TCP Pose


Get the target pose of the current tool (TCP) planned in the robot algorithm relative to the base coordinate system.

  • Returns
    • Pose and position information. Format: {x, y, z, Rz, Ry, Rx}.
Return Example

Get Joint Temperature


This method can get the internal feedback temperature of the specified joint.

  • Parameters

    • joint: Joint number.
  • Returns

    • Internal feedback temperature of the specified joint. Unit: ℃.
Example Program



Get All Joint Temperatures


Get the internal temperatures of all joints.

  • Returns
    • Temperature of each joint. Unit: ℃.
Return Example

Get Actual Joint Torques

  • Returns
    • Feedback torque values of each joint. Unit: N·m.
Return Example

Get Target Joint Torques

  • Returns
    • Planned torque values of each joint. Unit: N·m.