Python Examples
Control task execution by sending Lua API to TCP port 5180
import socket
client = socket.socket()
client.connect(('', 5180))
Control task execution by downloading and installing the SDK
import lebai_sdk
# # If you encounter RuntimeError related to event loop, try adding these 2 lines
# import nest_asyncio
# nest_asyncio.apply()
def main():
# print(lebai_sdk.discover_devices(2)) # Discover robots in the same LAN
robot_ip = "192.168.x.x" # Set robot IP address, need to modify according to actual robot IP
lebai = lebai_sdk.connect(robot_ip, False) # Create instance
lebai.start_sys() # Start arm
joint_pose = [0,-1.05,1.05,0,1.57,0] # Target joint pose data
cartesian_pose = {'x' : -0.383, 'y' : -0.121, 'z' : 0.36, 'rz' : -1.57, 'ry' : 0, 'rx' : 1.57} # Target Cartesian pose data
a = 0.5 # Joint acceleration (rad/s2)
v = 0.2 # Joint velocity (rad/s)
t = 0 # Motion time (s). When t > 0, velocity v and acceleration a parameters are invalid
r = 0 # Blending radius (m). Used to specify path smoothing effect
lebai.movej(joint_pose,a,v,t,r) # Joint motion
a = 0.3 # Space acceleration (m/s2)
v = 0.1 # Space velocity (m/s)
t = 0 # Motion time (s). When t > 0, velocity v and acceleration a parameters are invalid
r = 0 # Blending radius (m). Used to specify path smoothing effect
lebai.movel(cartesian_pose,a,v,t,r) # Linear motion
lebai.wait_move() # Wait for motion completion
# scene_number = "10000" # Scene number to call
# lebai.start_task(scene_number, None, None, False, 1) # Call scene
lebai.stop_sys() # Stop arm
import asyncio
import lebai_sdk
async def main():
# print(await lebai_sdk.discover_devices(2)) # Discover robots in the same LAN
robot_ip = "192.168.x.x" # Set robot IP address, need to modify according to actual robot IP
lebai = await lebai_sdk.connect(robot_ip, False) # Create instance
await lebai.start_sys() # Start arm
joint_pose = [0,-1.05,1.05,0,1.57,0] # Target joint pose data
cartesian_pose = {'x' : -0.383, 'y' : -0.121, 'z' : 0.36, 'rz' : -1.57, 'ry' : 0, 'rx' : 1.57} # Target Cartesian pose data
a = 0.5 # Joint acceleration (rad/s2)
v = 0.2 # Joint velocity (rad/s)
t = 0 # Motion time (s). When t > 0, velocity v and acceleration a parameters are invalid
r = 0 # Blending radius (m). Used to specify path smoothing effect
await lebai.movej(joint_pose,a,v,t,r) # Joint motion
a = 0.3 # Space acceleration (m/s2)
v = 0.1 # Space velocity (m/s)
t = 0 # Motion time (s). When t > 0, velocity v and acceleration a parameters are invalid
r = 0 # Blending radius (m). Used to specify path smoothing effect
await lebai.movel(cartesian_pose,a,v,t,r) # Linear motion
await lebai.wait_move() # Wait for motion completion
# scene_number = "10000" # Scene number to call
# await lebai.start_task(scene_number, None, None, False, 1) # Call scene
await lebai.stop_sys() # Stop arm